Family law is filled with tough decisions, but at Bivek Brubaker & Prescott LLC, we try to take a compassionate approach to every case.
Bivek Brubaker & Prescott
Georgia divorce and Bartow County

Georgia divorce and Bartow County

If you have a divorce in Bartow County, Georgia, your case will be assigned to that county’s Superior Court, which is in Cartersville. There isn’t a separate family law court or family law division. Instead, there are four Superior Court judges.

When you file your case in Bartow County, it is not randomly assigned to one of the Superior Court judges. Instead, a judge is assigned at the time you appear for a court hearing.

A hearing for a family law matter can be scheduled before the court on any Wednesday beginning at 9:00 a.m. At the call of the calendar, the presiding judge will announce the name of the judge hearing your case and the courtroom where your case will be heard.

To prepare for a hearing, you will need to have information such as child support worksheets, parenting plans, and domestic relations financial affidavits if your case involves children and the division of assets and debts. It is important to speak with an experienced Bartow County divorce attorney to make sure your documents are drafted in a way that protects your interests and preserves your rights.

The Clerk of Bartow Superior Court schedules the Wednesday court hearings for the judges.

It is always best to consult with your own Georgia divorce attorney about each judge’s tendencies and preferences so that you can put your best foot forward when proceeding with your divorce in Bartow County.

Bartow County divorces require mediation and attendance of the mandated TransParenting seminar (if minor children are involved) before a final hearing is set, and many divorce cases are resolved at mediation. The Seventh Judicial Administrative District Office of Dispute Resolution (7th JAD) handles the scheduling of mediations for divorce cases in Bartow County and TransParenting, the seminar required for divorcing parents. It’s important to consult with an experienced Bartow County divorce attorney to prepare for mediation in Bartow County so that you can give yourself the best chance at a favorable settlement.


At Bivek Brubaker & Prescott LLC, we have extensive experience in family law and divorce. If you have questions about divorce situations, contact our Bartow County divorce attorneys or call 404-793-6530.