When do I need to start gathering information?
Before your case even begins it is important to go ahead and start collecting information. Financial information will be a topic of discussion in your consultation and it would be helpful to your divorce case to already have an idea of the financial assets. Some financial documents you may want to go ahead and have in your possession are:
- Bank Account Statements
- Credit Card Statements
- Life and Medical Insurance Policies
- Household Bills
- Mortgage Statements
- Tax Returns
- Paystubs and W-2s
- Retirement Statements
- Investment Statements
- Your Will
- Social Media Content
- Communications Between you and your spouse (Emails, text messages, etc.)
This is only a brief list of documents that you should begin to gather. You do not need both physical and digital copies of these documents but it may be useful to go ahead and have a digital file that contains the above documents. If you already have a digital file of the statements it will save you time and money if the case involves discovery. Going ahead and gathering the documents before your case begins will alleviate some stress that comes along with the divorce process.
How do I obtain access to these documents?
If you have access to bank account or credit card accounts, then normally you can obtain the statements through the online account. If you do not have access to these accounts, make sure to speak about it in your consultation. When the case is filed, the attorney can choose to do discovery to uncover and get access to any financial information you cannot obtain yourself.
I have gathered the information, now what do I do?
One way to go ahead and lower the cost of your family case and is to organize and label your documents electronically. For example, when saving a Bank of America bank Statement label it BOA, month, year, and the last 4 digits of the account number. When attorneys’ offices are working on discovery a majority of the time it is used to organize and look through documents to see what the client sent over. If you go ahead and label and organize all the documents, it allows the attorney’s office it get through it quicker.
Once I gathered the information, can I send it all to my attorney’s office?
It would be best to send the documents to the attorney’s office when the office requests these documents. Avoid sending individual emails with documentation or evidence in them as this will drain your retainer due to the office having to organize and label them. Try to send the documents through a cloud network such as Drobox, Google or iCloud to help make the transfer of documents a quick and easy process that will not drain your retainer. . If you would like to speak with one of our experienced Family Law attorneys about beginning the divorce process, please give us a call toll-free at 866-527-2630.